
As one of the top 25 metropolitan areas in the U.S, the Tampa Bay area offers many options for firms seeking property for a variety of industrial purposes.  Whether your firm is seeking property for agricultural, logistical, or manufacturing purposes our agents can help you find what you need.

Firms engaged in shipping, storage, and logistical support would be well served to locate near the area’s major transportation hubs.  Locating a logistics firm near Tampa International Airport might be ideal.  Similarly, locations near the Port of Tampa might be advantageous for firms shipping very large cargo. Firms that ship via truck might seek property near the intersection of Interstate 75 and Interstate 4.

If your needs are more oriented toward high tech manufacturing, Pinellas County may be the perfect location for your firm.  Many technology companies are already making their home in Pinellas County.  Some of the better-known tech firms in Pinellas include: GE Aviation Systems, Honeywell Aerospace, Jabil Circuit, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon.

We understand that firms seeking industrial space have unique needs…and we’re here to help you find what you need

                                                                                 Please contact me about your industrial space services.